You don’t have to join us full-time. In fact, we’re looking forward to helping you progress from earning an extra income to being financially independent at your own pace.
The in-depth, practical training in child development and the skills in sales and management that you will be gaining both formally and practically will come at a fraction of the costs that you would have to incur if you studied anywhere else.
Parents love to connect with other parents and, when you think about it, you already know many parents who can benefit from your decision to join us. Our training and encouragement will make it more fun and more effective for you to tap into your social network.
We respect the fact that you may be totally new to selling something to someone and that you may feel a little awkward regardless of how amazing the product may be. That’s why we’ve developed a digital version of the sales demonstration to help you get the message across.
Best of all, the start-up cost of becoming a member of the Practica Partners in Business Community is only R14 995, and this includes a Practica Set, your sales kit and training.