Category Archives: Calming an angry child

How to Launch Better Behaviour (and Better Learning) in your Child

How to Launch Better Behaviour (and Better Learning) in your Child Children of all ages develop, learn and behave better when their parents are warm and nurturing. All parents function somewhere on a continuum, with positive “warm and nurturing” at one end and negative “cold and unapproachable” at the other. And, regardless of how much […]

What to do When Your Toddler Hits or Bites.

  What to do when your toddler hits or bites. Nobody likes to be on the receiving end of a toddler’s punch or bite – especially if the behaviour seems to be growing into a habit and the nipper doesn’t respond to discipline. What’s more, the display of aggression can be quite unsettling when a […]

How to Discipline Like a Therapist

How to Discipline Like a Therapist   The very first thing to keep in mind is that discipline is not something that is done TO a child, but rather something that a parent helps to develop WITHIN a child. To do this, we need to constantly work at teaching our children to learn to understand […]

Top Tips for Good Behaviour

Why is it that some people bring out the best in children? What is so different about them that little ones seem to genuinely WANT to please them and enthusiastically do what they say? Inborn temperament certainly plays a role. Consistency and self-confidence also make a difference. Yet, the crucial factor is that these special people have learned to think about and talk to children in a special way. Luckily, these ways of […]

3 Tips On How To Calm An Angry Child

3 Tips On How To Calm An Angry Child In a previous post called “The Two Kinds of Tantrums” we described how certain tantrums require that parents move towards their children to help them to deal with their overwhelming emotions, while the second kind of tantrum requires that parents move away from their child. With […]