Category Archives: Emotional Intelligence

Developing a Sense of Humour in Your Child

Developing a Sense of Humour in Your Child. People who laugh often are emotionally and physically healthier. Laughing together naturally helps people to bond and feel part of a group. This explains why babies laugh enthusiastically to connect at a social level with a loving caregiver from around 4 months of age – long before […]

The Why’s and How’s of Building Emotional Intelligence – Part 4

The Why’s and How’s of Building Emotional Intelligence – Part 4   How does the Practica Programme support parents in building EQ?   Well, most importantly, we make it possible for parents to start early. If you’re reading this newsletter as a Practica Parent, the good news is that there are age-appropriate games in the […]

The Why’s and How’s of Building Emotional Intelligence – Part 3

The Why’s and How’s of Building Emotional Intelligence – Part 3   How does a child’s inborn temperament impact on his EQ?   Every child is born with a fixed temperament that cannot be changed because it’s related to the way his brain is naturally wired for processing information. Temperament is as fixed as eye […]

The Why’s and How’s of Building Emotional Intelligence – Part 2

The Why’s and How’s of Building Emotional Intelligence – Part 2   What are the most important things that I can do to build EQ in my child?   Firstly, the most important thing that you can possibly do is to acknowledge your child’s feelings from birth and never stop doing that – even when […]

The Why’s and How’s of Building Emotional Intelligence – Part 1

The Why’s and How’s of Building Emotional Intelligence – Part 1   The first thing that must be said about Emotional Intelligence or “EQ” is that it is hugely important. In fact, researchers say that children’s scores on EQ tests are far better predictors of future success than their IQ scores. One explanation for this […]

How to Launch Better Behaviour (and Better Learning) in your Child

How to Launch Better Behaviour (and Better Learning) in your Child Children of all ages develop, learn and behave better when their parents are warm and nurturing. All parents function somewhere on a continuum, with positive “warm and nurturing” at one end and negative “cold and unapproachable” at the other. And, regardless of how much […]

Why did I DO that?

Why did I DO that? “Why did you grab that toy? Why did you hit your sister? Why is there spaghetti in your hair?”

 We ask toddlers these questions and they never come up with an answer. Why? Because they live in the moment. Their brains aren’t wired to the point where they can think […]

How to lay the Foundation for Future Happiness in your Child

Image from “How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to do what really matters most.” ― Stephen R. Covey As human beings we are all involved in creative processes whether we know it […]

Love, Respect and Confidence

  Love, Respect and Confidence Professionals who do school readiness tests often comment on the quiet and unshakable confidence that our Practica children have when they see them for school readiness assessments. The fearless way in which they approach challenges is remarkable, especially since there are so many children who are lacking in confidence. Many […]

Five Ways in Which a Child Learns Social Skills.

Five Ways in Which a Child Learns Social Skills. Most parents agree that they want their children to reach their full potential – whatever that may be. They won’t enjoy and celebrate a child any less if it turns out that his or her fullest potential doesn’t involve straight A’s and being hugely successful in […]

How to Keep Sane When the Going Gets Tough

  Being a parent is certainly a challenging undertaking, especially since most children can push the boundaries and be emotionally-charged at times. Nowadays, it seems as if the concept of ‘good’ parenting is forever changing, depending on which expert is doing the talking. This is because the very context in which parenting takes place (our cultures, society and the global community), is […]

How to teach Manners – the 123 and ABC

  In our last post we discussed how important it is to guide your young child in developing good manners because it will affect his self-concept, create higher EQ and eventually culminate in more success later on life (if you missed the post, go here). However, we’re still just human beings, and some clear directions come […]

3 Reasons to start manners early

I vaguely remember a time before I joined the legion of parents out there, looking at other people’s children and thinking smugly to myself… “I would never let my child get away with that…” or “I can’t believe how badly behaved that child is, my child will never do that…” Then… I had my own children! […]

The “Dad-Manual”

The “Dad-Manual” Dads are so important in their children’s lives – from day one (if you missed the post on why dads are so important, go here). However, many dads don’t know what is expected of them, or how to be their best. Don’t worry! All parents – moms and dads alike – struggle to […]