Category Archives: Milestones

How to Build a Solid Understanding of Numbers

How to Build a Solid Understanding of Numbers Learning to count from one to ten, and later to a hundred, is an important milestone in early math development. However, it’s equally important to learn to understand the “how manyness” or the value that every number represents. Teachers and therapists refer to this important school readiness skill as number […]

Birth to 24 months: 14 Fundamental Areas of Development

It’s uninspiring when an educational programme considers only the most basic areas of development. Children learn more quickly during their early years than at any other time in life, simply because the plasticity of the human brain decreases with age. In other words, the younger your child, the greater an enriched environment will impact on […]

Practica Programme Apparatus Blog Post Series – Wooden Block Set

The Practica Programme provides more than 4000 age-appropriate activity ideas for children from birth up to 7 years of age. The kit is packaged in a wooden toy box that includes a set of 8 User Guides and 28 sets of carefully selected sets of educational apparatus.   It’s the most comprehensive educational home programme […]

Middle Ear Infection Emergency Kit

The Practica Programme Blog – Middle Ear Infection Emergency Kit In a previous post, we discussed how middle ear infection can affect your child. The effects are often overlooked or unknown, and so we really felt passionate about sharing this with you, as a parent – if you missed the post, go here. Today, we’re looking […]

How Hearing Impacts Learning

  According to Dr Vincent Iannelli of the American Association of Paediatrics, 50% of children under the age of 12 months will experience at least one episode of middle ear infection (otitis media), and between the ages of one and three, 35% of children will have repeated episodes. When we consider how important hearing is to language […]

On your marks… get ready… go!

On your marks… get ready… go! As busy parents, our lives are often filled with lists.  Get the kids ready; Go to work; Go to the grocery store; Prepare dinner; Bath the kids and get them to bed… tick, tick, tick… you get your list done and move onto the next thing. While having the ability to race through your […]

Fertile Ground – how your baby’s brain grows and develops

In the spirit of the Lizette’s years of searching and gaining knowledge, we thought it would be apt to start our blog off with a post on how your baby’s brain is wired. To understand this could change the way you view your role as parent forever. In fact, it is only in recent years […]