Category Archives: Relationship Boosters

5 Tips for Facilitating Great Finger Paint Sessions

Are you embarrassed to admit that you have never made finger paint for your child? Join the club. It sounds like a messy business from start to finish and it’s definitely not the kind of thing most mothers want to do every week.But, children love it and it makes good pictures to post on Facebook. […]

Reading Together Fosters Love and Learning

Reading to a child communicates love and acceptance to a child primarily in two ways: firstly, through physical touch and, secondly through sharing an experience that fosters emotional closeness. We’ve written before in this blog about just how important love is to learning – it is the ‘thing’ that makes all learning stick.  The beauty of […]

A few tips from Lizette – 5 Things I have learnt over the years about disciplining children

A few tips from Lizette – 5 Things I have learnt over the years about disciplining children “A true hero is not someone who thinks about doing what is right, but one that simply does what is right without thinking!” -Kevin Heath  With this in mind, I thought I’d share five things that I have […]

3 Reasons Why We Should DISCOURAGE Perfectionism

3 Reasons Why We Should DISCOURAGE Perfectionism It is very easy to believe that being a perfectionist is a favourable quality. But is it really? Here are three reasons why we should DISCOURAGE perfectionism in children: Perfectionists are less likely to take risks and try their hand at new things. They often become fearful of […]

Five Ways in Which a Child Learns Social Skills.

Five Ways in Which a Child Learns Social Skills. Most parents agree that they want their children to reach their full potential – whatever that may be. They won’t enjoy and celebrate a child any less if it turns out that his or her fullest potential doesn’t involve straight A’s and being hugely successful in […]

How to Keep Sane When the Going Gets Tough

  Being a parent is certainly a challenging undertaking, especially since most children can push the boundaries and be emotionally-charged at times. Nowadays, it seems as if the concept of ‘good’ parenting is forever changing, depending on which expert is doing the talking. This is because the very context in which parenting takes place (our cultures, society and the global community), is […]

How to fill your child’s ‘love tank’

  As parents, we do our very best for our children, actively giving them everything we believe they need… and more. So, the idea that their ‘love tanks’ may sometimes be running low is not only hard to believe, but it flies in the face of the love we express for them daily through our words […]

10 Easy-Peasy Everyday Reading Ideas

Image Source: Our last post was about the importance of early reading (if you missed it, go here), and today we’re sharing some simple and inspiring tips that can make practicing reading simple, as long as you recognise the opportunities! 1. Set the scene for Dreamland: Help your child to wind down at bedtime […]

The 3 Secrets of Early Reading

The 3 Secrets of Early Reading I remember as a little girl that I loved to read – I would even pretend to read my mother stories that I had learned to memorise. When I learned to write, my love of words was further extended, and I would re-write by hand poems and songs that I […]

6 Instant Relationship Boosters

6 Instant Relationship Boosters In our last post we discussed the importance of consciously developing your child’s self-esteem (if you missed it, go here) and in light of the rather ‘heavy’ responsibility it can be to do this, we wanted to share some quick and easy ideas on how you can instantly make your child feel as though they are the […]