While some children are absolute dreams when it comes to mealtimes, roughly 50% of all children ‘eat too little’, their parents believe. And this is according to Dr Christopher Green, from his book called Toddler Taming, A Parents’ Guide to the First Four Years (Random House). Below we introduce ideas from two books about feeding a fussy eater – […]
Category Archives: Routine
Photography: Loren Stowhttp://www.lorenstow.co.za/ We’ve all been there… the day that our once-compliant and well-fed baby turns her nose up at meal-time, followed by a clear and concise ‘no!’. She shakes her head and just plainly refuses a meal that mere days ago she gobbled down with delight! And before you know it, she’s surviving on a […]
Example of a page from a personalised bookDesign by Loren Stow When you know your child is going to experience a big change, such as starting a new school, moving house, or the arrival of a new sibling, there is a creative and effective idea that has worked well for many moms and […]
Image: Loren Stowhttp://www.lorenstow.co.za/ The holidays are a time when we have all the time in the world (for a week or two) to spend with our families. Sometimes we go on holiday, other times we stay at home, and other times we invite family to stay with us… Holidays are treasured by most as an […]