Tag Archives: Loving Communication

Six weeks to a happier home

  Let’s face it, as parents we spend most of our time directing our children’s behaviour and sometimes it can feel as though all we ever say is ‘no’, ‘don’t’ and ‘stop’. While it is important to guide our children, there is a way to do it that is more positive for both you and […]

How to fill your child’s ‘love tank’

  As parents, we do our very best for our children, actively giving them everything we believe they need… and more. So, the idea that their ‘love tanks’ may sometimes be running low is not only hard to believe, but it flies in the face of the love we express for them daily through our words […]

Television – The Great Thief

  I have been rather afraid of writing this post, because it is without a doubt going to be rather difficult for many parents to swallow. The important thing, however, is to tell the truth (no matter how ugly), because our philosophy at Practically Speaking is that “when we know better, we do better”. So, stick […]

Creating Happy and Whole Little People

  As a child, my mother used to explain self-esteem to me as such – we are all like trees. Some of us are Pine Trees; straight, organised and neat. While others are like Thorn Trees; a bit rugged, uneven and disorganised. While both trees are so different, they each have their own unique beauty […]