Dearest Lizette,
It is my pleasure to write a letter of recommendation to all prospective and existing Practica moms and dads. When our eldest daughter was born 5 years ago, I felt completely helpless and overwhelmed because of the incredible responsibility that I faced to help shape and develop this new little being to reach her full potential one day. As a Language-and-Speech Therapist, I am well aware of the importance of early stimulation, but I felt completely unprepared with regards to many areas of child development.
Thank goodness for Practica!!! Ever since my daughter was a baby and also later when her sister joined the family, Practica has provided us with our special mommy-and-daughter time and we have gained so much from those special times!! To me, as a task orientated parent, it was a relief that I didn’t have to try and figure out which milestones needed to be reached at every age and which activities to do with my children at their respective ages.
I felt a bit overwhelmed initially when I saw all the information in the Activity File! But then I realized that it’s a curriculum that is spread out over seven jam packed years!!
I found it less intimidating after I took out each of my daughters’ age appropriate activities from the file, placed them into separate files and stored it between my recipe books in the kitchen. That way I was able to take a quick peek at which activities we can do for the day while I was cooking.
Play time does not come naturally for me, but thanks to Practica, we were able to enjoy hours and hours together having fun. And to top it all, we were enriching our children in a balanced way in all the necessary areas of development at the same time!
To any prospective couple who are thinking of purchasing Practica but feel that it may be too expensive, I just want to encourage you to look at the big picture and take the following into account: at the current price of a play-group you could pay for a Practica Programme in a year or less if you would keep your little one at home just a while longer. Trust me; there is no way that a child will benefit more, even from the best of playgroups, than from a mommy armed with her Practica set!
Furthermore, the value of the Advisory Service which Practica offers is also a great bonus. Our eldest daughter has recently been evaluated for school readiness and it was completely paid for by Practica.
Thank you Practica, she is only five years old, but completely school ready. In fact, she is a year ahead of children of the same chronological age in almost every area of her development!
Did we push our children? Did we not allow them to be kids? We just simply made best use of the opportunities we had to play with them in a way that makes more sense.
Just so you know, the Kwick Pick workbooks are very handy to keep children busy on road trips. To tell the truth, it’s probably the only time we ever use them, but it creates a wonderful association with learning and relaxing together as a family.
Warmest Regards,
Zelda, Wolmarans (Thank you from Henk, Charle and Johanni Wolmarans as well!)