“If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” ~Derek Bok

If play is the “work” of the child, then the quality of the games that we choose to play with our children is very important.

Parents should be aware of the following:

  • Different regions of a child’s brain deal with different abilities.
  • All of these ‘areas of development’ develop simultaneously.
  • It’s the underdeveloped areas that cause children to under-achieve in school.


The most effective activities cannot be done in groups:

One-on-one activities are most effective, but the problem with trying to do one-on-one activities in a school setting, is that the smartest child naturally gives the answers before anyone else even realizes what the questions were. Have a look at the pictures of the little girl playing a math game with her Dad at the top of this page. Imagine how different her experience would have been if her Dad was a teacher trying to play the game with a group of children!

The fact of the matter is that there are certain kinds of experiences that only a parent can give a child. Children whose parents realize this have an unfair advantage.

With this in mind, parents are no longer content to be unproductive while spending time with their children during the valuable early years. Their goal is to cover every developmental area at every age with activities that are age-appropriate and effective.


Now imagine yourself in one of the following situations:

If you DON’T have Practica

You will still need to give attention to all the developmental areas at once, knowing that when you stimulate only certain areas at a time, you run the risk that the neglegted areas might become your child’s ‘weak spots’. So you will probably attend training classes, spend time on research and buy a heap of toys.

Without the thousands of ideas for everyday activities listed in the Practica Parents’ Guide, you will have to largely rely on toys to try and stimulate each of the 14 areas of development every month from birth to 24 months.

Imagine how many toys you will need to cover 50 school readiness skills every year from 2 to 7 years of age!

After having done all of this, you still won’t be sure that you’ve covered everything, or what to actualy do with the different toys at each age!

If you spend just R350 per month for a period of 84 months
(7 years), you will be spending:

R30 240

If you DO have Practica

You will open your Parent’s Guide at your child’s age to find a list of all the games that you can play WITH and WITHOUT toys to develop each and every developmental area at that age.

You choose activities for every area that fit into your lifestyle; take what’s relevant from the Practica Toy Box and put everything necessary in the appropriate rooms in the house to be readily at hand.

When you are finished with a toy, you put it back to be used in a different way later on.

You can call or e-mail the Practica Advisory Service with any questions and concerns and be rest assured in knowing that you not only have the ‘big picture’, but also know how to put it into practice in your child’s life!

Investing in a Practica Programme offers much more for
ALL YOUR CHILDREN during the first 7 years, for:

R10 095