Category Archives: Massage

Baby Gymnastics

Exercises to do as part of your Nappy Changing Routine Babies of all ages love to be played with and they benefit from the movements that we’re about to describe – even from as early as the first weeks of life. During the first months after birth, your baby gradually discovers where his body ends […]

Baby Massage: The Introductory Massage

The benefits of baby massage have been extensively researched and we at the Practica Programme encourage our Practica Parents to make use of baby massage techniques as often as possible.   Below is an extract from the Practica Programme Parents’ Guide that summarises the easy steps involved in Introductory Massage. It is recommended for newborn babies […]

How to fill your child’s ‘love tank’

  As parents, we do our very best for our children, actively giving them everything we believe they need… and more. So, the idea that their ‘love tanks’ may sometimes be running low is not only hard to believe, but it flies in the face of the love we express for them daily through our words […]

A Mother’s Touch…

  I believe that parents instinctively know that touch is not only soothing for their children, but that it also communicates love on a profound level. A caress of the cheek, a long and deep-felt hug, or rubbing a scraped knee – certain kinds of touch tell your child that they are loved and secure. […]