Tag Archives: learning tools

Concentration – your child’s mental workout!

Concentration – your child’s mental workout! Downloadables: Practica Programme Hand-out Concentration Span    Parents often phone into the Practica Programme Advisory Service asking why concentration is not listed as a ‘skill’ in the Parent’s Guide. This is because most parents want to help grow their children’s ability to concentrate. We agree that it is very important […]

School Readiness

School Readiness What do you think of when you hear the phrase ‘School Readiness’? I know that in my mind I think of giving my child a head start, maybe trying to teach him how to read before school… maybe some counting too… the overwhelmed part of me also considers ‘putting it off’ until he’s older and big enough to […]

“N” is for Naming-The-World

You know it’s important to give your baby the names for things (like dog, cat, bath, water, ball etc), and that when they reach toddler-hood they literally demand the names for things… but you’re not to sure why this is so important and how much of a difference it can make to your child’s development. […]