Category Archives: Television

Why we like Disney Books

Watching television dulls babies’ brains. In 2009, France’s broadcasting authority banned the airing of all television, including advertising, aimed at babies and toddlers. They warned: “Television viewing hurts the development of children under 3 years old and poses a certain number of risks, encouraging passivity, slow language acquisition, over-excitedness, troubles with sleep and concentration, as […]

How to encourage parents to switch off the television and talk to their children instead.

The following post is aimed at healthcare professionals and teachers. Through the Practica Programme, we meet hundreds of parents from many backgrounds every year. And, similar to you in your profession, we regularly engage with parents who seem to be unaware of the fact that they are headed in the wrong direction regarding the amount […]

Making the Most of Television

In our last post we told the truth about the effect that television has on your young child (under 3 years) – if you missed it, go HERE. In this post, we want to equip parents with the tools they need to make the most of television when it comes to their older toddlers and children. We […]

Television – The Great Thief

  I have been rather afraid of writing this post, because it is without a doubt going to be rather difficult for many parents to swallow. The important thing, however, is to tell the truth (no matter how ugly), because our philosophy at Practically Speaking is that “when we know better, we do better”. So, stick […]