Why Talking to Your Baby When He’s too Young to Understand Gives him a Head Start. Language comprehension is one of the most important – if not the most important – key to intellectual development. It’s one of the 14 fundamental areas of development that work together during the first 1000 days of a […]
Category Archives: learning tools
Boosting you Child’s Social Skills: How Photographs can Help Photographs have a way of capturing important moments and letting them live forever. They have stories to tell and feelings are embedded in them. That’s why many people use something called “therapeutic photography” as a bridge to connect with their thoughts, memories and feelings. The wonderful thing […]
Teaching babies and toddlers to use gestures for specific words before they are physically able to speak makes a whole lot of sense on many levels. Will baby sign language delay my child’s speech development? Studies have shown that children who use this kind of early “sign language” show no delay in speech […]
child development, Develop Concentration, development, educational toys, Executive Functioning, Following instruction; Brain Development, Following instruction; child development, Instructional Play, learning tools, Milestones, The Practica Program, Wooden Block Set
Practica Programme Apparatus Blog Post Series – Wooden Block Set
The Practica Programme provides more than 4000 age-appropriate activity ideas for children from birth up to 7 years of age. The kit is packaged in a wooden toy box that includes a set of 8 User Guides and 28 sets of carefully selected sets of educational apparatus. It’s the most comprehensive educational home programme […]
Are you embarrassed to admit that you have never made finger paint for your child? Join the club. It sounds like a messy business from start to finish and it’s definitely not the kind of thing most mothers want to do every week.But, children love it and it makes good pictures to post on Facebook. […]
“Instructional play is an enjoyable activity or game that results in learning.” ~ Dr Donalyn Heise in “Dare to be Positive!” We’ve recently had a look at how important it is to intentionally create learning opportunities for our children in which they can practise their ability to remember instructions, focus their attention, complete tasks […]
As parents, we assume that children get bored with reading the same book over and over, but contrary to this popular belief, children actually thrive on the predictability of such repetition. Predictability is one of the most fundamental emotional and intellectual needs of a child and reading is the easiest way for a parent […]
Brain Development, child development, Developing Confidence in your Child; Benefits of One-on-One Interaction; Boost your Child's Brain; Brain Development; Effective Parenting; How children learn, development, educational toys, Learning, learning tools, The Practica Program
Games for Practica Parents
For Practica Parents with 2 to 7 year old children: Do you routinely ask questions like “Can you name this colour?” or “How many ducks do you see?” when you’re around your child? If the answer is yes, you may be slipping into the role of a test administrator instead of having fun as a […]
How To Improve Your Child’s Memory Do you remember a time when that complicated maths problem in 8th grade suddenly made sense? It was as if the clouds parted and the understanding ‘dawned on you’, changing the way you viewed maths from then on? Or is there another moment when a sudden realisation left you […]
Concentration – your child’s mental workout! Downloadables: Practica Programme Hand-out Concentration Span Parents often phone into the Practica Programme Advisory Service asking why concentration is not listed as a ‘skill’ in the Parent’s Guide. This is because most parents want to help grow their children’s ability to concentrate. We agree that it is very important […]
What makes educational games really valuable? When little Johnny’s mother points to a picture and states that the elephant is ‘big’ and the mouse is ‘small’ it doesn’t mean much to the little guy. Later, as the two of them are packing toys away, he tries to fit his big inflatable beach ball into the […]
Image Source: http://www.thedailygreen.com/ Our last post was about the importance of early reading (if you missed it, go here), and today we’re sharing some simple and inspiring tips that can make practicing reading simple, as long as you recognise the opportunities! 1. Set the scene for Dreamland: Help your child to wind down at bedtime […]
The 3 Secrets of Early Reading I remember as a little girl that I loved to read – I would even pretend to read my mother stories that I had learned to memorise. When I learned to write, my love of words was further extended, and I would re-write by hand poems and songs that I […]
Channeling Your Carer’s Energy With even the most energetic and motivated carer, you will need to assist in guiding them with ideas for fun and brain-building activities for your child during the hours that you are not around. A great way to motivate and channel their energy is by making up various lists for the various […]
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