Developing a Sense of Humour in Your Child. People who laugh often are emotionally and physically healthier. Laughing together naturally helps people to bond and feel part of a group. This explains why babies laugh enthusiastically to connect at a social level with a loving caregiver from around 4 months of age – long before […]
Category Archives: Effective Parenting;
Why it Helps to Think of Parenting as a Three-Wheeler: Part 3 Practica Parenting Wheel #2: The Parent as Teacher. Effective parents instinctively know that young children need plenty of one-on-one attention for them to flourish. Recent research findings confirm that children who have more one-on-one conversations with loving adults develop brain wiring that makes […]
Bonding with your child, Brain Development, Calming an angry child, child development, Effective Communication, Effective Parenting;, Emotional Intelligence, EQ, Frustration, Gifted Parenting, Gifted Parenting; Parenting Styles; Effective Parenting, Language, Life Skills, Love, Loving Communication, Self Control, Tough Times
How to Launch Better Behaviour (and Better Learning) in your Child
How to Launch Better Behaviour (and Better Learning) in your Child Children of all ages develop, learn and behave better when their parents are warm and nurturing. All parents function somewhere on a continuum, with positive “warm and nurturing” at one end and negative “cold and unapproachable” at the other. And, regardless of how much […]
Are you embarrassed to admit that you have never made finger paint for your child? Join the club. It sounds like a messy business from start to finish and it’s definitely not the kind of thing most mothers want to do every week.But, children love it and it makes good pictures to post on Facebook. […]
Why did I DO that? “Why did you grab that toy? Why did you hit your sister? Why is there spaghetti in your hair?” We ask toddlers these questions and they never come up with an answer. Why? Because they live in the moment. Their brains aren’t wired to the point where they can think […]
3 Reasons Why We Should DISCOURAGE Perfectionism It is very easy to believe that being a perfectionist is a favourable quality. But is it really? Here are three reasons why we should DISCOURAGE perfectionism in children: Perfectionists are less likely to take risks and try their hand at new things. They often become fearful of […]
Practica Programme Blog – Setting S.M.A.R.T Goals as Parents “When we are motivated by goals that have a deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live.” – Greg Anderson Most parents feel like this about parenting. However, their commitment to their children can easily turn into […]
Speak to expecting fathers and you will undoubtedly find that today’s dads are far more eager to be actively involved in their children’s lives right from birth than fathers from previous generations. Yet, many of their good intentions and noble expectations seem to be quickly smothered and written off as idealistic after the baby is […]
Image from “How different our lives are when we really know what is deeply important to us, and keeping that picture in mind, we manage ourselves each day to be and to do what really matters most.” ― Stephen R. Covey As human beings we are all involved in creative processes whether we know it […]