A few tips from Lizette – 5 Things I have learnt over the years about disciplining children “A true hero is not someone who thinks about doing what is right, but one that simply does what is right without thinking!” -Kevin Heath With this in mind, I thought I’d share five things that I have […]
Category Archives: Discipline
How to Discipline Like a Therapist The very first thing to keep in mind is that discipline is not something that is done TO a child, but rather something that a parent helps to develop WITHIN a child. To do this, we need to constantly work at teaching our children to learn to understand […]
“What you cannot enforce, do not command.” Sophocles When we know better… we do better
Why is it that some people bring out the best in children? What is so different about them that little ones seem to genuinely WANT to please them and enthusiastically do what they say? Inborn temperament certainly plays a role. Consistency and self-confidence also make a difference. Yet, the crucial factor is that these special people have learned to think about and talk to children in a special way. Luckily, these ways of […]
It’s murphy’s law that as soon as you come across another mother of four amazing, well-behaved children in the isles of Woolies, floating along on an aura of complete calm and composure… your (*ahem*… quiet and reserved) toddler will have a complete temper tantrum over the fact that you will not let them have the entire sweet […]
Let’s set a scene that I am sure many parents have experienced before… It’s Monday evening, and after a long and stressful day you’re trying to prepare dinner or are tidying the house before bedtime. Your toddler is nagging behind you. You do not have the energy for confrontation, so you’re hoping they will forget what […]
In our last post, we discussed how words alone are simply not an effective means of discipline. This is because a small child’s world is based on their immediate and physical experience. Words alone will not change a young child’s behaviour. However, words are very important when it comes to explaining just why the cookie is […]
How to discipline your child – part 3 We often hear how children are referred to as ‘little adults’. However, while our children deserve the same respect and love that any adult does, they are not adults… by a long shot. Young children live in a world that is very different from ours. While we […]
HOW TO DISCIPLINE YOUR CHILD – PART 2 You’ve heard it before – every single piece of literature on discipline contains the word ‘consistency’. Yet it is something that is surprisingly difficult to achieve … and many people wonder how important it is anyway? The answer is that consistency is more important than most parents realize. In fact, if […]
How to discipline your child – part 1 For most parents, there is nothing so tiring or so challenging as discipline. We know we must do it, we know our children need and deserve boundaries, but the act of enforcing discipline often leaves parents feeling bad, frustrated, insecure and unsure. As with many things in […]