Category Archives: Life Skills

Boosting you Child’s Social Skills: How Photographs can Help

Boosting you Child’s Social Skills: How Photographs can Help Photographs have a way of capturing important moments and letting them live forever.  They have stories to tell and feelings are embedded in them. That’s why many people use something called “therapeutic photography” as a bridge to connect with their thoughts, memories and feelings. The wonderful thing […]

How to Launch Better Behaviour (and Better Learning) in your Child

How to Launch Better Behaviour (and Better Learning) in your Child Children of all ages develop, learn and behave better when their parents are warm and nurturing. All parents function somewhere on a continuum, with positive “warm and nurturing” at one end and negative “cold and unapproachable” at the other. And, regardless of how much […]

How to use Instructions to Develop Self-control in a Toddler.

  Children who have learned to follow instructions typically exhibit more self-control than other children, because learning to follow instructions involves practising to act with intent, which is the exact opposite of acting impulsively. That brings us to the question: “How do I teach my toddler to follow instructions?” The answer is: “By physically showing […]

Birth to 24 months: 14 Fundamental Areas of Development

It’s uninspiring when an educational programme considers only the most basic areas of development. Children learn more quickly during their early years than at any other time in life, simply because the plasticity of the human brain decreases with age. In other words, the younger your child, the greater an enriched environment will impact on […]

Top Tips for Good Behaviour

Why is it that some people bring out the best in children? What is so different about them that little ones seem to genuinely WANT to please them and enthusiastically do what they say? Inborn temperament certainly plays a role. Consistency and self-confidence also make a difference. Yet, the crucial factor is that these special people have learned to think about and talk to children in a special way. Luckily, these ways of […]

Asking and answering questions made simple

Image: Most parents can agree that it is incredibly frustrating when your baby or toddler wants something but can’t communicate what it is… You don’t know what to get them or do for them, and they get increasingly frantic… Another example is when you know that your child knows something, but when you ask […]

Concentration – your child’s mental workout!

Concentration – your child’s mental workout! Downloadables: Practica Programme Hand-out Concentration Span    Parents often phone into the Practica Programme Advisory Service asking why concentration is not listed as a ‘skill’ in the Parent’s Guide. This is because most parents want to help grow their children’s ability to concentrate. We agree that it is very important […]

Teaching your child to follow directions

We all know what it’s like to ask our little one to do something, and they carry on as if they’ve never heard us or can’t understand what we’re saying. However, it’s important for children to be able to follow instructions – whether its a request or a warning for their safety – by the time they […]

How to demonstrate our love for our children.

The Practica Programme Blog – How to demonstrate our love for our children. Today we introduce our very first guest post – we will be inviting many people who work within the child development field to give us their take on what’s important to know when it comes to your little one! This guest post is written by […]

How to Keep Sane When the Going Gets Tough

  Being a parent is certainly a challenging undertaking, especially since most children can push the boundaries and be emotionally-charged at times. Nowadays, it seems as if the concept of ‘good’ parenting is forever changing, depending on which expert is doing the talking. This is because the very context in which parenting takes place (our cultures, society and the global community), is […]

A Smorgasbord of Food Tips

While some children are absolute dreams when it comes to mealtimes, roughly 50% of all children ‘eat too little’, their parents believe. And this is according to Dr Christopher Green, from his book called Toddler Taming, A Parents’ Guide to the First Four Years (Random House). Below we introduce ideas from two books about feeding a fussy eater – […]

The Four Keys to Ending Food Wars

Photography: Loren Stow We’ve all been there… the day that our once-compliant and well-fed baby turns her nose up at meal-time, followed by a clear and concise ‘no!’. She shakes her head and just plainly refuses a meal that mere days ago she gobbled down with delight! And before you know it, she’s surviving on a […]

A great tip for dealing with BIG change!

 Example of a page from a personalised bookDesign by Loren Stow  When you know your child is going to experience a big change, such as starting a new school, moving house, or the arrival of a new sibling, there is a creative and effective idea that has worked well for many moms and […]

Maintaining a Sense of Routine in the Holidays

Image: Loren Stow The holidays are a time when we have all the time in the world (for a week or two) to spend with our families. Sometimes we go on holiday, other times we stay at home, and other times we invite family to stay with us… Holidays are treasured by most as an […]